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On a scale of 1 - 10, where 10 is fabulous and 1 is crappy, how satisfied are you today that you have a good handle on the direction your life is taking?


Think about these three questions while you come up with that number:

1. Of the twelve areas identified in the Circle of Life, are there any that have unmet goals that are really just wishes because there's no firm plan to get you there?


2. Do you feel stressed on a regular basis and have learned to accept this as "normal"?


3. Are you living the life you dream of, or living according to the rules and needs of others?

What are some of the issues that are keeping you from choosing a higher number to represent your satisfaction level? Are they something you'd like to do something about?

My Best Always membership includes daily group coaching. My practice has been primarily one-on-one, but I want to reach more people who don't have the luxury of affording personal coaching.

As a member, you will become part of a private Facebook group where each day we will work together on:

- crafting a complete set of solid goals that clearly define our personal vision of success

- doing enough of a gap analysis to clarify the next steps to take right now

- practicing a form of time management that goes beyond "to-do" lists and calendars to make every goal an attainable one

- cycling through the twelve areas of the Circle of Life so that every three months we re-evaluate our gaps, tweak our goals to reflect our growth and evolution as we learn, and build an action plan for the quarter.

- motivate each other, celebrate successes together, and brainstorm obstacles that threaten to derail us

Are you ready to start with me tomorrow, Monday 4/27, in this brand new group? If your answer is YES, check this out:

If you decide to join for the year before the end of April 2020, you will get the first two months free so your membership will run through the end of July 2021.

Screw lockdown!!! This is a perfect time to focus on YOU, on your goals and dreams, and to create the life that you daydream about. Let's make 2020 our year, YOUR year.

Choose your pricing plan

  • Monthly Membership

    Every month
    An affordable way to make sure you reach your goals!
     14 day free trial
    • Private Facebook Group for members only
  • Annual Membership

    Every year
    Save 17% over monthly membership prices!
     14 day free trial
    • Private Facebook Group for members only
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